Maps, Timelines, Outlining & Posters


You will make a map by tracing a Location Map and following the instructions every week. The instructions will tell you what items should be marked and labeled on the map. The map should be made with colors and have as much details as possible. Every map should be labeled at the top with the topic of the week. The purpose of having you trace the map is recognition of topographical landmarks and elements such as mountain ranges, rivers, deserts, seas, oceans, and cities. By physically tracing a map, the information is integrated into your memory. Most Location Maps are traced more than once. You will find the maps printable for every week.


Our timeline is unique because it is circular: like a tree trunk. Therefore, we call it the Tree Trunk Timeline. When you look at the timeline, it looks like the inside of a tree trunk, once the tree has been chopped. You can see the rings of the tree which tell you how fast it grew. We have taken the tree trunk and sliced it into pieces, to create parts that look like 'pizza' slices. Every slice is a certain geographical area in the world. Every ring of the tree trunk gives you a time period.

When you want to write an event on your timeline, you should first find the time ring, then decide the geographical area, and follow the ring until you reach the 'pizza's lice for that area: that is where you will write down the event.

We choose a circular timeline because it allows you to not only quickly see what happened at the same time (follow the ring), but also what happened in a certain area over time. When we build connections between events that happened in different places around the world at the same time, or events that happened in the same place but at different times, we can truly learn how and why history unfolded the way it did!


We will ask you to take the information you learn about and make graphical representation of this information every week. We make posters in this course. You can use paper and paints or markers, or you can use an online software: your lesson will tell you want to do exactly. When you make a poster, you should know what a great poster looks like, so we have create a rubric for you: here you can see what an awesome poster should have. That way, you can make your poster awesome too!

Check out this rubric:


Last but not least, you will learn how to make an outline. do not worry, we will take you through it step by step and under Extra Resources you can find some helpful extra information. below we will give you a check list you can use too see if you have truly made a great outline:

Complete and Continue