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Al-Majalis Ash-Sharaniya
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Faraid alQalaid Abridged
Week 1 Feb 6-9 2022
Recording 1.1 (66:20)
Recording 1.2 (90:00)
Recording 1.3 (86:07)
Recording 1.4 (85:00)
Al-Salatul Al-Akbariya (6:57)
Week 2 (Feb 13 2022)
Recording 2.1 (89:45)
Recording 2.2 alRahman AlRaheem (84:40)
Recording 2.3 AlRaheem Cont. (86:50)
Recording 2.4 (69:16)
Hizb Imam Ahmad Al-Rifai (18:18)
Week 3
Recording 3.1 Oath #3 & Haqaiq Isma Book (80:25)
Recording 3.4 Name al-Malik (82:04)
Week 4 (Feb 27 - March 2)
Recording 4.1 (70:30)
Recording 4.2 (81:08)
Week 5 (March 6-9)
Recording 5.1 (80:15)
Recording 5.2 (85:47)
Week 6 (13-16)
Recording 6.1 (94:20)
Recording 6.2 (73:40)
Recording 6.3 (77:04)
Week 7 (March 20-23)
Recording 7.1 (73:57)
Recording 7.2 End of Mukhtasar Fara'id (80:57)
Recording 7.3 (74:49)
Recording 7.4 (68:29)
Week 8 (March 28-31)
Recording 8.1 (85:36)
Recording 8.2 (74:44)
Recording 8.3 (73:50)
Recording 8.4 (69:27)
Week 9 (may 8-110
Recording 9.1 (76:32)
Recording 9.2 (80:39)
Recording 9.3
Recording 9.4 (63:15)
Week 10 (May 15 -17) 3 classes only
Recording 10.1 (82:40)
Week 11 (May 22 - 25)
Recording 11.1 (61:52)
Recording 11.2
Week 12
Recording 12.1 (73:08)
Recording 12.2 (Istikhara) (83:23)
Recording 12.3 (70:39)
Recording 12.4 (86:34)
Week 13 June 5 to 8
Recording 13.1 (83:16)
Recording 13.4 Oath 65 (65:38)
Week 15
Recording 15.1
Recording 15.2
Recording 15.3
Week 17 July 3-6
Recording 17.1 (74:52)
Lesson 17.2 (80:57)
Recording 17.3 (75:11)
Recording 17.4 (87:06)
Week 18 (Post-Ed July 17-20 2022)
Recording 18.1 (92:51)
Recording 18.2 (72:11)
Recording 18.3 (69:24)
Week 19 (July 24-27)
19.1 (79:04)
19.2 (70:47)
19.3 (66:49)
19.4 (74:04)
Week 20 (July 31 - Aug 4)
20.1 (67:10)
20.2 (79:41)
20.3 (69:22)
20.4 (59:40)
Week 21 (Aug 7-10)
21.1 Oath 125 (57:49)
21.2 Oath 127 (56:36)
21.4 Oath 129 (83:29)
Week 22 (Aug 14-17)
Lesson 22.1 Oath 131 (70:43)
Lesson 22.2 Oath 134 (72:58)
Lesson 22.3 Oath 136 (76:35)
Lesson 22.4 Oath 138 (81:35)
Week 23 (Aug 21-24)
Lesson 23.1 Oath 140 ترك الغش في البيع (61:51)
Lesson 23.2 Oath 142 (67:27)
Lesson 23.3 Oath 143 (53:56)
Lesson 23.4 Oath 144 (63:08)
Week 24 (Aug 28-30)
Lesson 24.1 al-Adl (59:09)
Lesson 24.2 al-Lateef (58:20)
Lesson 24.3 al-Khabeer (62:51)
Week 25 (Sep 4-7)
Lesson 25.1 (62:58)
Lesson 25.2 (75:32)
Lesson 25.3 (64:41)
Lesson 25.4
Week 26 (Sept 11-14)
26.1 (63:29)
26.2 (27:31)
26.4 (54:54)
Week 27 - End of Fara'id Book (Sept 18-21)
Lesson 27.1 (60:52)
Lesson 27.2 (56:57)
Lesson 27.3 (52:55)
Lesson 27.4 (End of Fara'id Book) (102:49)
Week 28 (Sept 25-28)
Lesson 28.1 al-Haleem (63:38)
Lesson 28.2 - al-adheem (70:40)
Lesson 28.3 (88:59)
Week 29 (Oct 1-5)
Lesson 29.1 (67:12)
Lesson 29.2 al-Alee العلي (70:36)
Lesson 29.3 - alKabeer (62:22)
Week 30
30.1 (61:31)
30.2 (66:44)
30.3 (67:45)
Week 31
Lesson 31.1 (38:19)
Lesson 31.2 (110:36)
Lesson 31.4 (52:10)
Week 32
32.1 (61:05)
Week 33
33.1 (73:18)
33.2 (48:26)
33.3 (47:59)
33.4 (45:26)
Week 34 (Nov 27-30)
34.1 (50:18)
34.2 (45:44)
34.3 (51:49)
Week 35
35.1 (26:39)
35.2 (28:43)
Week 37 (Jan 8-11)
37.1 (49:36)
37.2 (49:50)
37.3 (50:40)
37.4 (65:46)
Week 38 (Jan 15-18)
Lesson 38.1 Oath (59:57)
Lesson 38.2 Oath 202 (51:09)
Lesson 38.3 Oath 203
Lesson 38.4 Oath 204 (68:53)
Week 39 (Jan 22-25)
Lesson 39.1 Oath 205 (31:50)
Lesson 39.2 206 (61:13)
Lesson 39.3 Oath 207 (33:56)
Week 43 (March 12-15 2023)
43.1 (54:54)
Week 46 (May 28 - 31 2023)
46.1 Oath 227 (53:22)
46.2 Name: Al-Mateen (56:58)
46.3 (32:47)
46.4 Name: Al-Wali (44:07)
Week 54 Sept 24-27
54.1 Sept 24 ALHADI (37:17)
Week 55 (Oct 15 - 18 2023) Oaths & al-Alawi
Oct 12 Oaths & Al-Alawi 01 (63:03)
Oct 13 Oath & Al-Alawi 02 (44:18)
Oct 15 Oath & Al-Alawi 03 (56:58)
Oct 16 Oath & al-Alawi (54:03)
Oct 17 Oath & al-Alawi (57:09)
Week 56 (Oct 22-25 2023)
Oct 22 Oath & al-Alawi (58:18)
Week 58 / 53 (Nov 4-8 2023)
53.1 (96:47)
53.2 (96:45)
53.3 (72:39)
Week 60 / 55 (Nov 17-22 2023)
1 (70:59)
2 (64:05)
Week 61 / 56 (Nov 25-29 2023)
1 (51:33)
2 (57:55)
3 (64:19)
Week 62 / 57 (Dec 4-6 2023)
57.1 (63:54)
57.2 (65:47)
57.3 (89:50)
Week 63/ 58 (Dec 9-12 2023)
58.1 (64:40)
58.2 (62:15)
58.3 (62:06)
58.4 (82:18)
Week 59
59.1 شرح عقيدة الغيب ١ (89:00)
59.2 شرح عقيدة الغيب ٢ (75:26)
59.3 (60:21)
Week 60
60.1 (26:13)
60.2 Dec 25 2023 (26:07)
60.3 Dec 26 (40:34)
60.4 Dec 27 2023 (42:52)
Week 61 (Dec 30 2023 - Jan 4 2024)
61.1 Dec 30 2023 (49:38)
61.2 Jan 1 2024 (93:37)
61.3 Jan 2 2024 (31:48)
61.4 Jan 4 2024 (56:36)
Week 62 (Jan 6 - 10 2024) and Hizb al-Da'ira
62.1 Jan 06 (70:51)
62.2 Jan 08 (79:01)
62.3 Jan 09 (70:21)
62.4 Jan 10 Hizb al-Da'ira (44:51)
Week 63 (14 Jan - 17 2024)
63.1 Jan 13 (63:30)
63.2 Jan 15 (71:31)
Week 71 (May 6 -7 2024 End of Fuyood Book)
71.2 Final Dars (75:07)
Recording 15.3
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